Looking Good

Here are some valuable tips on how to take care of yourself and your precious make ups...

1) For a sharp point on lipstick and eyeliner pencils, without as much waste, put them in the freezer for a few minutes before sharpening.

2) Revive dried up mascara by holding the close tube under hot, running water for a  few minutes. The mascara inside will soften and you'll have more to use.

3) Your foundation will last longer if you mix it with moisturizer in your palm before applying.

4) To remove dandruff, try shaking fine table salt into dry hair. Massage salt into the scalp before shampooing.

5) To remove sticky - spray build up, wash hair as usual but work a tablespoon of baking soda into the lathered hair. Hair spray will dissolve.

6) To make your own vinegar astringent, you will need one quarter cup of vinegar , one half cup of water and one teaspoon of cream of tartar. Mix cream of tartar with water. Add vinegar. Shake thouroughly. Apply with cotton balls. You must shake this formula before each use.


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